Master Arian's Skype IELTS Class
Passing exams is a fact of life if you want to progress in your studies or improve your career prospects. Learning English is no exception and selecting a suitable exam to help you achieve your future goals is very important. Choosing Skype English lessons for IELTS will certainly set you on the right path!
What is IELTS?
IELTS stands for International English Language Testing System. It was first established in 1989 and is now managed jointly by the University of Cambridge, the British Council and IDP Education. IELTS is widely recognized as an effective and standardized method of testing English language proficiency. An increasingly popular way of preparing for this exam is by taking Skype English lessons for IELTS.
A specialist online English teacher support your IELTS studies
Most people need support while studying for their IELTS exam as learning independently can be very difficult. I recommend that you look for an online English teacher who is specialized in preparing students for the IELTS exam. Typically, you should expect to receive a personalized study program, designed to suit your ability and experience. Your teacher will rehearse speaking topics with you, correct your mistakes and help you to answer questions appropriately and naturally.
You may not find a suitable English tutor in your home town but the internet will give you access to a wide variety of qualified and experienced teachers who offer Skype English lessons for IELTS. As well as preparing you for the speaking test, it is worth asking whether a teacher also offers tuition in reading, writing and listening activities. It is particularly helpful and important to receive input and feedback on essay writing techniques when preparing for IELTS.
Another good reason for choosing to study online with Master Arian is that your IELTS examiner will be a native English speaker.
Start your IELTS preparation early
Last minute ‘cramming’ is not the best route to achieving success in your IELTS exam. This is an examination that requires advanced preparation over a reasonable period of time. You will need time to study a variety of possible speaking, listening, reading and writing topics. You will also need time to correct your mistakes and learn new vocabulary. Therefore, it’s recommended that you start IELTS preparation as early as possible. Give yourself the best chance of success by studying at a steady pace in a relaxed manner. Your Skype English teacher will be able to offer you tuition and learning support 24/7 but cannot perform miracles if you have left your preparation too late, so start your prep early to avoid disappointment!
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IELTS test in Australia – January 2014 (Academic Module)
Listening test
Section 1. About elephants’ orphanage in Sri Lanka.
Section 2. A conversation between two lecturers.
Section 3. A conversation about cubic house design.
Section 4. A telephone conversation about accommodation booking.
Reading test
Passage 1. The history of coin usage.
Passage 2. About patterns in birds migration.
Passage 3. About an increase of working hours in the last few decades.
Writing test
Writing task 1 (a report)
were given a line graph illustrating ticket prices in two different
years (divided in four quarters each) and a bar graph comparing ticket
sales for that period.
Writing task 2 (an essay)
Nowadays it is more difficult for children to concentrate or pay attention in school. Discuss the causes and propose a solution.
Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Why did you select this field of study?
- How many languages do you know?
- Was it difficult for you to learn English?
- Do you prefer a book dictionary or an electronic translator?
- If you were asked to write a dictionary how would you feel?
- How would you feel if you were given a dictionary as a gift?
Cue Card
Talk about a book that you have read recently. Please say
- What book was it?
- What was it about?
- Why was it interesting?
- Did you enjoy reading it?
- Is reading still popular now compared to the past?
- Will reading be popular in the future?
- What is more important: a movie or a book?
- How do movies influence people?