IELTS Speaking test in the Philippines – April 2015
Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Do you find your job interesting? Why?
- What will be the future changes in your field?
- What activities do you like to do at weekends?
- What did you do last weekend?
- Who was there with you?
- Do you mostly spend weekends on study or leisure?
- What is your favourite part of the weekend? Why?
- Lets talk about habits.
- What do you do during your free time?
- What books do you like to read?
- Where is the best place to read at your home?
Cue Card
Talk about an advice that you gave to someone. Please say
- What was the advice?
- To whom did you give it?
- How did the person react?
- What do you think about a person who gives advice to others but never takes any advice given to him/her?
- Who gives you advice at your work?
- Are young people capable of giving a good advice?
- Would you prefer to get an advice or to take a training course?
- Are there communities or groups that offer advice in your hometown?
- Who are the people in your community that give advice?
IELTS Speaking test in India – March 2015
Speaking test
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- Describe your house.
- How long have you been living in this house?
- Are there many public holidays in your country?
- Do you think that there should be more holidays in your country?
- Which public holiday do you like the most?
- What do you usually do on a holiday?
- What is the best way to observe nature?
Cue Card
Describe an occasion when you received a very good service from a company or a shop. Please say
- What company is it?
- What was the product?
- Who helped you with it?
- Do companies respond quickly to customers’ feedback and enquiries?
- Would you buy another product from this company? Why?
- What else would you buy there?
- What should companies do to retain their customers base?
- What would be your suggestions?
- When you receive a defective product, would you prefer to get it replaced or repaired? Why?
نمونه تست آیلتس استرالیا
IELTS Speaking test in Australia – May 2014
- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Where are you from?
- Do you work or study?
- What time of the day do you prefer to study? Why?
- Do you prefer to work in a silent place or a noisy place? Why?
- What kind of food do you like? Why?
- What kind of food were you eating as a child? Why?
Cue Card
Describe your first mobile device and how it changed your life. Please say
- What device was it?
- When did you get it?
- How did you feel after using it?
- Who gave that mobile to you? Why?
- Are mobile phones popular in your country? Why?
- Do young children use mobiles more in your country?
- Why is sending text messages from mobile phones so popular?
- Do you think the use of mobile devices will increase in the future?
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