تدریس خصوصی آیلتس بهترین استاد آیلتس استاد آرین دکتر آرین کریمی 09125000158

دوره آمادگی آیلتس فشرده کلاسهای آمادگی فشرده آیلتس مرکز تخصصی آیلتس آیلتس چیست کلاس خصوصی آیلتس

تدریس خصوصی آیلتس بهترین استاد آیلتس استاد آرین دکتر آرین کریمی 09125000158

دوره آمادگی آیلتس فشرده کلاسهای آمادگی فشرده آیلتس مرکز تخصصی آیلتس آیلتس چیست کلاس خصوصی آیلتس

Common mistakes in the use of uncountable nouns - ONLINE IELTS AND TOEFL COURSE

Common mistakes in the use of uncountable nouns

Read the following sentences.

The sceneries here are not good.
The scenery here is not good.
Which of the two sentences is the correct one?

The word scenery is uncountable in English. It may be countable in some other languages. However, in English, we can’t say sceneries or a scenery.

As you know, uncountable nouns do not have plural forms and they cannot be used with numbers or the article a/an. And hence the sentence ‘The sceneries here are not good’, isn’t correct.

More examples are given below.

Incorrect: They have got lots of furnitures.
Correct: They have got lots of furniture.
Incorrect: We have received no informations about the accident.
Correct: We have received no information about the accident.
Incorrect: I heard these news in the morning.
Correct: I heard this news in the morning.
Incorrect: He asked me to pack my luggages.
Correct: He asked me to pack my luggage.
The nouns information, furniture, news, luggage etc., are uncountable.

Incorrect: Please excuse the troubles.
Correct: Please excuse me for the trouble.
The word trouble is mainly used as an uncountable noun. It doesn’t usually have a plural form.

Also the word excuse should be followed by an indirect object.

However, the plural form troubles can be used to refer to all the problems that a person has. In this case, it is usually preceded by a possessive.

All of us have our troubles and we must find ways to deal with them.

Incorrect: He provided the blinds with food.
Correct: He provided the blind with food.
The expressions ‘the blind’, ‘the deaf’, ‘the unemployed’, ‘the dead’, ‘the poor’ etc., are plural. ‘The blind’ means all blind people. We can’t say ‘the blinds’ or ‘the deafs’.








منابع آیلتس هند - IELTS Speaking test in India

منابع آیلتس هند
IELTS Speaking test in India


- What is your full name?
- Can I see your ID?
- Do you work or study?
- Where are you from?
- Do you like this place?
- What do you think isn’t good about your place?
- How long do you plan to live there?
- Where will you move to?
- How often do you use a computer for work?
- What other purpose do you usually use a computer for?
- Do you think using the internet is beneficial for you?
- How do you think computers are beneficial for children?

Cue Card

Talk about a situation when you saved some money to buy a special item. Please say

- What was the reason?
- How long did it take to save the money?
- How did you feel later?


- Do you think today’s youth believe in saving money?
- Are women better savers then men?
- Do you save money now? Why?
- How do you think credit cards influence buyers?
- Do you think online marketing succeeds in attracting customers?

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